First blog post by a master procrastinator
I’ve always been an expert (it’s in the name) at indulging in insignificant minutiae instead of doing things that actually have a compound interest effect, so it’s surprising I actually get anything done.
That being said, I finally managed to find the resolve to set up a photography website as a first step in expanding my footprint on the web by becoming a content creator. I am, in some way, making you my accountability buddies, to call me out if I end up not delivering.
I wouldn’t really call myself a photographer, rather a person with photography gear who happens to take photographs with said gear. I’ve seen artists pull more off with a single 50mm lens than I’ll ever manage to do with my collection of primes (gotta catch ‘em all!), so I’d say that’s enough to keep me humble for the rest of my lifetime.
Speaking of life and having understood its finiteness, I wish not to be confined to any single genre, camera system or focal length. There’s simply too much to experience in too little time. Not that I don’t respect those who have found their niche (though one could argue my niche is bokeh-licious photos of flowers using telephoto lenses), but I am generalist at heart.
Having exposed myself to different facets of photography, I’d like to share my experience as a lay person learning the ropes in each different area. I’ve always found that there is much to be learned from the student’s journey and not only the master’s lectures.
At the very least, I hope I can provide you with posts & videos you can consume on your smartphone while e.g. in the restroom because, you know, content.
P.S. If I haven’t uploaded a YouTube video by July, please kick me.